
taku imaizumi

1966    神奈川県茅ヶ崎市生まれ   

1985    東京都立府中東高校卒業

1986    京都府立陶工職業訓練校 成形科卒業

1989    京都市工業試験場 陶磁器研修本科修了

1985    日本工芸会・木村盛康氏に師事

1986~1988 京都炭山 脇阪陶房にて陶器制作に従事

1989~1993 京都蛇ヶ谷 瑞光窯にて磁器制作に従事

1993    アボリジニアンアート研修でオーストラリアへ

1993~1998 京焼村 西村徳泉工房にて茶陶制作に従事

1995    陶工職人として在シンガポール日本大使館より招待

1998    鎌倉市二階堂に工房《卓袱堂》設立

2000    JICA青年海外協力隊・陶磁器隊員としてエジプトに赴任

2000~2002 エジプト国立ヘルワン大学 応用美術学部陶芸学科 講師就任

2001    彫刻家・サーレッヘレダ氏と共にギザのモザイク壁画制作

2002    第6回カイロ国際陶芸展ビエンナーレ入選 

2003    初個展を鎌倉《陶苑八坂》にて開催

2003    長野県立信濃美術館《café Kaii》抹茶碗制作

2004    宇治田かおるのピアノリサイタル・ステージアート制作

2005    葉山の陶芸塾《蓮REN》主任講師就任

2005    日本国際民間協力会チャリティーオークション出品(以後毎年)

2006    笹目酒造の特別限定酒《かおり》ボトルデザイン担当       

2007    俳優・宇津井健氏の依頼により骨壺の共同制作  

2008    インドネシア・バリ島に陶芸作品納入    

2008    茅ヶ崎市松が丘にギャラリー《shippokudo》設立

2009    在エチオピア日本大使館より陶芸指導の打診・アディスアベバ視察

2010    JICA・SV陶磁器指導員として南米コロンビアに赴任

2010~2012 アルテサニア・コロンビアのスタッフとしてラキラ市で陶芸技術指導

2013    佐賀県・真光寺の記念品制作

2014    若林三弥子氏主宰の料理サロン《boa mesa》の食器制作

2015    江ノ島《THE MARKET SE1》コラボ企画品制作

2015    葛飾区堀切菖蒲園《川の間七大陸食堂》自作食器にて料理提供

2016    世田谷区用賀の《リトカフェ》自作食器にて料理提供

2016    在リトアニア日本大使公邸料理人に就任・自作食器にて料理提供

2017    モロッコ・ワルザザートにて陶芸窯の修理と原料調査

2018    リトアニアで開催《NOW JAPAN 2018》にて陶芸展および料理提供







My pottery career began at early age when entred the Kyoto Vocational College of Ceramic in 1985. I obtained the fundamental skills of ceramics such as throwing technique of a electric wheel there. After graduated from the college, I worked at Wakisaka Pottery Studio for two years, producing a large numbers of various tea cups, rice bowls, and flower vases. I was also engaged in the development of new products. Having much interests in scientific knowledge on glazes, I went up to Standard Course in Ceramics, Kyoto Industrial Experimental Laboratory. I acquired the characteristics of glazes from more than five thousands experiments of different combination of glazes and conditions. I obtained another techniques on porcelain at Zuiko Gama Company after worked for four years, and moved to Tokusen Atelier. Produced high quality potteries for Japanese-traditional tea ceremonies for five years. I was independed in 1999 with wide and various knowledge and skills that can create my original and unique taste and touch of work of both earthenware and porcelain.

After independence, I went to Egypt under the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer (JOCV) Programme of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and spent two years and six months teaching at Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University in Giza. I was also involved myself for a new area of work, such as a fountain sculpture of central dividers, imperial carved monument and mosaic-tiled wall. In 6th Cairo International Biennale for Ceramics in 2002, My work "Borderlands" won a prize amongst the works exhibited from all over the world.

After returning Japan in 2002, I launched my atelier "Shippokudo" in Kamakura. While engaged in producing custom-made potteies for individual clients, I hold numbers of private exhibitions across Japan, including Tokyo, Kyoto, Kobe, Nagoya, Utsunomiya, Kunitachi, Kamakura and Hayama. One of such was the One-man Exhibition at ISETAN Department Store in Shinjuku. The sales of the exhibition were at the highest record of a week during 2006. In a last few years, I worked as an instructor in a membersip-based ceramic academy named "REN" at Hayama. In 2007, I was promoted as the head instructor of the academy.

From January 2010, I went to Raquira, small village in Colombia. Teaching ceramics for artisans and students under the Senior Volunteer (SV) Programme of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). After returning Japan in 2012, I started to make a new plan about ceramics studio with shop and wine bar in Chigasaki, Japan.

I started a new challenge in 2016. I cooked Japanese foods as a chef at the Japanese Embassy in Lithuania with my own dishes. And in 2017, I went to Ouarzazate, Morocco for repairing the kiln. At "NOW JAPAN" in 2018, I cooked OMAKASE dishes as a chef and held a ceramics exhibition at city hall in Vilnius, Lithuania.

I was born in Chigasaki, Japan in 1966, and spend childhood in Sydney, Australia. The days in Sydney were actually as a terning point of my life. It led me to the career of an artisan, and determined my unique style and attitude toward work. I am a skillful artisan with Egyptian, Colombian and Lithuanian-like sense of humour and wit.